Xander Hinners

A heaping buffet of bite-size games
Some rumors are worth the risk. Other rumors ARE the risk.
Store memories away from prying eyes and fingers
A simple swashbuckling storytelling game
Be hero-y things. Do hero-y things.
A compact yet prolific superpower generation tool
Forty weird powerful bullet types for [BXLLET> and a tool to use them
A small RPG about small people having small adventures
A coin-based time-loop story-game
A block-flinging RPG where punching can solve literally any problem, somehow!
A collection of bookmark-sized book-centric RPGs
Two index-card RPGs, to take with you wherever you go
A game about characters who play a game about characters who play a game about characters who play a game about...
Of course you are. What else could you be?

Things I've contributed to

These are projects I helped with by providing design, art, layout, or other material input. Check them out!